Mark Mathew Braunstein
Mark Mathew Braunstein on vegan vegetarianism, microgreens, cannabis

The Journey of 1000 Steps Begins with 999 Steps
My in-progress book, which I may never complete before I die, is A Walk in the Woulds: The Journey of 1000 Steps Begins with 999 Steps.
Here are four precursor magazine articles:
1 - A Walk in the Woulds
2 - Walking in the March of Time
3 - Walking toward Fitness
4 - Walking on Water
3-page 3MB PDF of the printed magazine pages
SPIRIT of CHANGE magazine -- Fall 2018 issue
You can also read the smaller file-size quick-to-access
online edition posted on the magazine's website here.
How walking, especially walking in the woods inspires thinking.
Essay concludes as a field guide to my backyard trail.
Walking in the March of Time (325K PDF)
SPIRIT of CHANGE Magazine – Spring 2015 issue
An essay contributed to the issue's theme of Healthy Aging, mine about walking to our graves, if we should be so fortunate as to remain ambulatory to the very end of our elder years.
Walking toward Fitness (570K PDF)
HEALING OUR WORLD Magazine - Fall 2011 issue
An essay about walking, and because I relearned how to walk much more recently than when you first learned, I qualify as a master and an expert.
Walking on Water (2MB PDF)
BACKPACKER Magazine - May 1988 issue
About fasting while hiking, an aid also to upholding vegetarianism while traveling in the land of carnivores. Also about my fasts while hiking the Grand Canyon, Big Bend, and several of NH's White Mountains.