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Sprout Garden by Mark Mathew Braunstein

SPROUT GARDENIndoor Grower's Guide to Gourmet Sprouts

♦ First published 1993, fully Revised 1999

♦ Updated 2011, 8th printing 2015, out-of-print in 2024


“The definitive book on sprouting.” -- Vegetarian Voice


“This lighthearted yet thorough handbook … provides all you need for a lively new way to sprout.” -- Vegetarian Gourmet


Sprout Garden was published by The Book Publishing Company, called also Healthy Living Publications, but after 30 years in print, it will go out-of-print by 2024


• From the publisher's catalog:

• "Now is in its 8th printing, Sprout Garden presents a comprehensive guide to the art and science of home sprouting. From aduki beans to wheat kernels, it explains the best methods and optimal conditions for growing and preparing the many varieties of fresh sprouts, and offers essential advice so that even beginners can succeed.

• With a generous helping of puns and subtle humor, the book entertains as it explains how to cultivate wholesome fresh food at home, shares the latest health research about broccoli sprouts and alfalfa, and lists mail order sources for sprouting equipment and seeds. The author also of Microgreen Garden and of Radical Vegetarianism, Mark offers a collection of radicle (look it up!) vegetarian recipes intended to tantalize the gourmet's palate not just with salads but also with entire dinners and delicious desserts." 


You can read a Preview on Amazon

& read or download the updated Sources chapter (scroll down)

& read or download the SproutChart (scroll down).


sprout chart


Free PDF 

  • The how-to SproutChart for sprouting 42 varieties of sprouts that appears on the back pages of Sprout Garden

  • Also available here, SproutChart in METRIC measurements - while this chart is old and needs updates, it still provide the basics.

spouts sources

SOURCES for Seeds & Needs
Free PDF with clickable links (15 pages, 2MB)
the LINKS work best if you first download the PDF to your desktop

UPDATES to the SOURCES chapter of the most recent 8th printing of Sprout Garden, fully updated and all links verified live in 2024.


For every printing of Sprout Garden, this Sources chapter listing suppliers of sprouting seeds and sprouter equipment is researched and updated, else the listings quickly become obsolete. Readers of previous editions need not invest in the latest edition just for the Sources chapter, because here it is for free.


  • If a seed supplier sells books about sprouting but not mine, I still list them here. I list vendors solely on their merits.


  • Diffuse grey lines exist among educators, and educators who also are marketers, and marketers who only pose as educators. Be assured that I stand firmly as an educator. As an educator, the only thing I market are my books, including Sprout Garden. And yet, while I peddle my manuscripts to publishers, I like to think that I do not peddle my books to readers.


  •   Dear readers, may your futures be filled with sprouts! (not necessarily with books about sprouts)


3 PHOTOS of SPROUTS in high resolution (1000 pixels high)


sprout dinner
sprouting jars
sprouting jars


 in Sprouts & Microgreens


620K PDF of a 4 page article in

Healing Our World, the magazine of 

Hippocrates Health Institute


More legible version HERE.



 Foreword by Susan Smith Jones


 A Sproutarian Seminarium



• The Container

• Air and Water

• Darkness and Warmth

• Seeds, Grains, and Beans


 ♦ SPROUT ROUTE: How to Sprout

• The Jar Method

• The Microgreens Method 

• The Bag Method

• The Tray/Plate Method

• The Towel Method

• The Saucer Method

• The Soil Method

• There’s Madness to the Methods





• Seeds

• Grains

• Beans



• Choose, Cook, Chop, Cheer

• Sprout Salads

• Sprout Salad Dressings

• Sprout Sandwiches

• Sprout Suppers

• Sprout Sweets


 Safeguards against Food-Borne Illness

 Germination Termination





◊ You can order Sprout Garden from all online booksellers (including Amazon) as well as from these sprouting suppliers. (Accurate for 2017, often they revise the book's placement within their website, so their full URL's are provided so that you can trace it from their homepage)


Please copy & paste these web addresses into your browser's address bar

(these specific webpage addresses change often, so you may need to navigate to the root homepage):


• ♦ Mumm’s Sprouting Seeds (ships both to USA & Canada)

• ♦ Jaffe Brothers Natural Foods

• ♦ West Coast Seeds (Canada)

• ♦ True Leaf Market (formerly Handy Pantry)


eBooks available from:

Amazon for Kindle

Google Play eBook (click on BUY EBOOK red button)


2011 SPANISH translation available from:

  • amazon Spainía-para-cultivarlos-casa/dp/8476286880 

  • the Spanish publisher, Ediciones del Serbal

2014 HUNGARIAN translation available from:

  • the Hungarian publisher, Bioenergetic Kiado


© Mark Mathew BRAUNSTEIN (2024), sole content creator, web designer, photographer, and photoshopper.

No paper was trashed nor trees felled nor truths stretched to create this website.

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