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BIBLIOgraphia &  Miscellanea


BIBLIOGRAPHIES of Published Writings & Published Photos & Public Speaking & Photoshop instruction by Mark Mathew Braunstein

collage of books

12 page PDF - updated 2024     (2MB illustrated PDF)

  • Books, anthologies, and articles, with many links to paper-published articles reprinted on the web.

  • Also, a separate 2-page PDF of just my Personal Essays - updated 2024.

6 page PDF- updated 2023

  • Published photos primarily of nature photography.

  • Some with links to photos reprinted on the web.

  • Also citations of exhibitions.

  • On Safari for Mac, download PDF to activate links. 

3 page PDF - updated 2024

  • Talks, interviews, demos, legislative testimonies

  • Includes links to online audios

  • On Safari for Mac, download PDF to activate links.

1 page PDF - updated 2020

  • Photoshop tutorials, workshops, and classes. 

  • Includes link to my free tutorial PDF's.

  • On Safari for Mac, download PDF to activate links.

 4-page PDF - updated 2024

  • Talks, interviews, legislative testimonies, articles, editorials, book

  • Includes links to online videos

  • On Safari for Mac, download PDF to activate links.

1 page PDF - updated 2022

  • Single-page quickie CV

  • Includes links to online texts & videos

  • On Safari for Mac, download PDF to activate links.

Connecticut College
Connecticut College class


My forever-in-progress book will be titled
The Journey of 1000 Steps Begins with 999 Steps. 

For four precursor magazine articles, see the preceding Magazine Articles webpage titled WALKING

walking on water
walking for health
march of time

           my desk, where it all happens, May 2022

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