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the 250-page PAPERBACK book is available from most online booksellers listed below


the 290-page eBook is available from

all online booksellers listed below

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in addition to 
Amazon's Look Inside, you may
read here on this website four sample chapters
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eBook is always discounted

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Paperback is usually discounted

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BOOKSHOP - List prices but this book is ALWAYS in stock & is shipped immediately from Philadelphia, PA

(plus Bookshop tosses the author a bigger piece of the royalty pie)

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BOOK DEPOSITORY - discount prices with worldwide free shipping -- Paperback only - no eBooks

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BAM! (Books-A-Million) 

Discount prices often cheaper than Amazon 


WORDERY - FREE worldwide shipping of the Paperback                          (no eBook) 


ABE BOOKS - source for USED + NEW paperback only (no eBook) BUT it stocks only the older 2017 edition

INDIE BOUND - indexes independent & local brick-&-mortar bookstores from which you can special-order the PAPERBACK book 

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A LIBRIS - BRITISH bookseller with worldwide shipping

BUT it often stocks only the older 2017 edition

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INDIGO - CANADA's worthy alternative to Amazon

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Angus & Robertson BOOKWORLD -
AUSTRALIA's worthy alternative to Amazon
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KOBO (Wal-Mart) - worldwide bookseller of eBook only

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